Mother’s Day is next weekend. DON’T PANIC!!. Shredd and Ragan got you covered and you just might “Win Mom’s Heart”.… MORE

Mother’s Day is next weekend. DON’T PANIC!!. Shredd and Ragan got you covered and you just might “Win Mom’s Heart”.… MORE
You never know what tickets will fall out of the 97 Rock Ticket Piñata when listeners take a whack! … MORE
Tell us your 5 favorite classics and you’ll instantly qualify for a $500 turntable and a gift card to the Record Vault!… MORE
JRK Electric- 8/14 Mark Cerrone 8/7 Rich-E-Landscaping 7/31 Strokes Painting 7-26-24 Kodiak Builders 7-17-24 Town of Lancaster Highway Department 7-10-24 Joseph A. Sanders Sons Roofing Inc. 7-3-24 Ferguson Electric Co. 6-26-24 Laborers Local 210 With Group 34 6-19-24 B N D Concrete 6-12-24 Catalano Contracting, Inc. 5-29-24 Surety Construction 5-22-24 Frame & Form Construction 5-19-24… MORE
WGRF 97 ROCK’S “KNOW YOUR BRUCE SPRINGSTEEN” CONTEST OFFICIAL RULES A complete copy of these rules can be obtained by contacting radio station 97 Rock/WGRF (“Station”), owned and operated by Cumulus Radio LLC 50 James E. Casey Drive, during available business hours Monday through Friday, on the Station website, or by sending a self-addressed,…… MORE
Aerosmith returns to Buffalo for a 97 Rock concert February 26th at Keybank Center as they resume their Peace Out tour with the Black Crowes.… MORE
Legendary vocalist of the Who, Roger Daltrey is coming to the OLG Stage at Fallsview Casino, and you can be there just by listening to the Live Tune @ 2 all this week. … MORE
97 Rock joins the Buffalo Bisons for their Solar Eclipse Party at the Ballpark. It’s free and there’s science and stuff…… MORE
John Fogerty finally owns his music and he’s celebrating June 11 at CMAC!… MORE
Relive a live classic rock concert during our Live Tune at 2… MORE