Play along with your friends and family with our completed Bored Board!
CLICK HERE to view or print the full size version of the board!
Fill out the squares with names from your party goers, and when a score changes, revert to the table of tasks below:
***This is supposed to be fun. Please perform any and all of these tasks at your own risk.
1, 26) Go outside and make a snow angel
2, 27) Sit in the bathroom until the next score change
3, 28) Play butt bongo
4, 29) Do a body shot
5, 30) Lean over counter and yell spank me
6, 31) Sing a Journey song
7, 32) Make your partner’s “love face”
8, 33) Quack like a duck
9, 34) Eat olives off your host’s fingers
10, 35) Do an armpit fart
11, 36) Hang a spoon on your nose
12, 37) Motor boat a dude’s manboobs
13, 38) Change the TV channel
14, 39) Bark like a seal and catch treats
15, 40) Finish someone else’s drink
16, 41) Change an article of clothing with someone
17, 42) Lick the host’s foot
18, 43) Point to the person you would have a fling with
19, 44) Order a pizza to a neighbor
20, 45) Kiss the person to your left
21, 46) Give a chip dip “wet willie” to the person on your right
22, 47) Act as an foot ottoman
23, 48) Sing a Ric Astley song for 60 seconds
24, 49) Yell “I Love Tom Brady!” for all to hear
25, 50) Wait on everyone until the next score change