Over the years, 97 Rock has paid tribute to Classic Rock’s greatest decade, the 1970’s, with different weekends and A to Z programs. And now we’re ready to roll out out our most extensive Rockumentary ever- The 70’s A to Z.
We’ve researched 70’s playlists and charts from Buffalo radio stations Q-FM-97, WPHD, WYSL and WKBW, as well as sales reports from local record stores. Now we’re taking an alphabetcial romp through the 70’s and including essential Album Rock cuts, along with Progressive, Southern, Glam, Singer Songwriter, Punk, novelty songs, local hits and even comedy cuts.
And we’ll press pause on the 70’s A to Z each night at midnight and resume at 6am so you won’t miss any of it while you’re sleeping.
Join the conversation on Twitter using #97AtoZ.