97 Rock Remembers Van Miller


Join us as we celebrate the life and career of the “Voice of the Bills,” the late, great Van Miller.

First up is a must listen from Channel 4 news anchor Jackie Walker, who shares an intimate story of visiting Van nearing his final moments. What were Van’s final words to Jackie?  Click the audio link below to find out.

Jackie Walker of Channel 4

John Murphy, the current Bills play-by-play man, shares his thoughts on working alongside one of the greatest broadcasters in football history.

John Murphy, "The Voice of the Bills"

Now in finance, former Channel 4 Sports Director Paul Peck started out working as a producer for the late Van Miller.  Ever the comedian, Paul shares his memories of the sportscasting legend, and tells his favorite joke told by the beloved Van Miller.

Paul Peck, former Channel 4 Sports Director

Longtime Buffalo News columnist, and big time radio voice in his own right, Vic Carucci took some time to share his memories of the late Van Miller.

Vic Carucci of the Buffalo News

Scott Berchtold’s been in the Bills’ front office for nearly 30 years.  You bet he’s got some great stories to share on the late, great Van Miller.

Scott Berchtold of the Buffalo Bills

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